Case Studies

Case studies provide an opportunity for students to examine real world problems or concerns and apply their knowledge. Learning about mental health issues? Provide students with a case study in which they determine possible mental health disorders and treatment options. Examining instructional strategies? Provide students with a learning situation and have them design an instructional plan.

Case studies can represent a significant upfront prep time unless you have access to high quality examples from your textbook or other reputable sources. However, what they provide for student learning is well worth the time it takes to develop a few of them for your course.

Case Studies are useful to engage students in critical thinking and real world application of the course material. There are various formats for case studies, but most formats include the use of questioning that helps students analyze a scenario or concept.

Case Study Formats

  • Format Example #1
    • Include a brief description of the scenario or concept (2 paragraphs or so)
    • Ask students to :
      • Identify key concepts
      • Summarize the scenario or concept
      • Describe the problem with the scenario or concept
      • Determine the possible causes to the problem
      • Analyze the elements of the scenario or concept
      • Assess current solutions to the problem related to the concept or scenario
      • Create a solution to the problem related to the concept or scenario
  • Format Example #2 adopted from Ashford University
    • Include a brief description of the scenario or concept (2 paragraphs or so)
    • Ask students to :
      • Identify the problem
      • Provide background information on the scenario or concept
      • Evaluate the case
      • Propose solutions to the problem
      • Offer recommendations on how to implement the solutions to the problem


“Writing a Case Study Analysis.” (n.d.). Ashford University Writing Center. Retrieved from

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